UN body could buy more food directly

   Date:2007/07/19     Source:

The UN World Food Program (WFP) is considering buying more goods and services directly from China to eliminate middlemen and save costs, a senior WFP official said yesterday.

Deputy executive director for fundraising and communications John Powell said a WFP team will visit Beijing later this month to discuss the matter with the ministries of Commerce and Agriculture and other UN agencies.

According to WFP's Beijing office, food products worth $4 million were bought directly from China last year. The amount is likely to rise significantly in the next few years with a substantial rise in their quantity and quality.

Powell said rising food prices have compelled the WFP to look for efficient producers and suppliers that can offer competitive terms. And compared to the world market, China's food prices are relatively lower.

"Fifty-five percent of our donations are in cash, and the rising food prices mean we'll be buying less food to feed the people who suffer from hunger."

Powell, however, said there's no fear of food prices rising in the domestic market if WFP buys more food products from China directly.

"The amount we buy will not affect local prices, and what we want to do is further promote domestic agricultural production," he said.

Chinese authorities and the WFP have outlined a broader partnership to help both of them make the best use of their resources and expertise to build a harmonious society in China and rest of the world.

"We wish to seek China's expertise in disaster response and transport of relief items and pave the way for a more formal partnership in disaster relief efforts," Powell said.

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