Coal plants shut to cut emissions

   Date:2007/07/19     Source:
CHINA shut down 156 small coal-fired generation units with a combined generating capacity of 5.5 million kilowatts in the first half of 2007, according to the National Development and Reform Commission.

The shutdown will save 8.5 million tons of raw coal every year and cut annual emissions of 20,000 tons of sulfur dioxide and 17 million tons of carbon dioxide, said the commission.

East China's Jiangsu Province slashed 1.13 million kilowatts of generation capacity for the first six months, topping the list. It is followed by Inner Mongolia and Henan Province, reducing 690,000 kilowatts and 450,000 kilowatts respectively.

China has been building larger coal-fired power plants to save energy and reduce emissions. It plans to close small coal-fired generating units with a combined capacity of 50 million kilowatts by 2010, saving 90 million tons of coal every year.
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