Chinese medical industry into overall competition time

   Date:2007/08/02     Source:
Recently at China pharmaceutical summit, "From the beginning of new century, Chinese medical market is always in a huge changing situation." Zhu Changhao, the vice-chairman of China Association of Pharmaceutical Commerce said. "Chinese medical industry developed with higher speed, now into the era of overall competition."

There are three aspects reflecting the change. First, the process of merger & acquisition and restructuring is faster obviously. So a number of big companies or groups and Leading Enterprises come out. The competition of enterprises strength is an important symbol for the era of overall competition.

Second, resource integration becomes an important subject for the development of medical market, and Chinese medical market goes into the era of meager profit. Now the companies engage in integrating resource, seeking good channels, lowing production cost (especially the cost of logistics). Developing supply chain becomes an important subject for pharmaceutical companies.

Third, multilayer consumption structure of medical market further appears. Multilayer consumption structure should push the speed of product structure adjustment and cause medical industry pays more attention to market information.

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