4 factors benefiting Chinese parmaceutical industry

   Date:2007/08/08     Source:
Although Chinese parmaceutical industry faces the big price increase of APIs, the increase of production cost, and the drop of profit, there are four factors benefiting the development of Chinese parmaceutical industry.

First, now macroscopical economic situation is keeping good development tendency. This is a good external environment for the rapid and healthy development of Chinese parmaceutical industry.

Second, along with the implement of health care system reform, the new-type rural cooperative medical systemin is widely implemented in rural areas, and community health services is implemented in cities. The two policies insure Chinese people can enjoy basic health guarantee. The two policies will bring long-term influence to the product structure of parmaceutical industry. The huge consumption potential of rural areas for medical products is gradually appearing out, and rural areas should be the new market for parmaceutical enterprises.

Third, in the first half year parmaceutical industry has experienced three times adjustment of drug price. The relevant departments said the drug prices would be adjusted in big scope. So drug prices should keep stable and enterprises can have time to rehabilitate.

Fourth, domestic terminal market of medical products is still flourishing. International trade of medical producs will keep stable growth, especially for APIs and intermediates, and this should greatly push the development of Chinese parmaceutical industry.

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