Bridge Pharma's China facility receives AAALAC

   Date:2007/08/09     Source:
US-based Bridge Pharmaceuticals' facility in China has been awarded full accreditation by the Council on Accreditation of the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC International).
Bridge's facility in Beijing (Vital Bridge China) is one of only seven toxicology facilities in China to receive this recognition, and Bridge claims that it is the first US-based company to offer toxicology services in multispecies at both locations in the US and China.
In the accreditation letter to Bridge dated June 28, 2007, AAALAC International states, "The management and staff of Bridge are commended for providing quality facilities and programs for the care and use of laboratory animals. Especially noteworthy were the institution's strong administrative support for the animal care and use program as exemplified by the high quality facilities, the extensive investment in training and education of personnel, and the excellent teamwork noted among the staff (at Bridge); as well as the extensive, well conceived, and thoroughly implemented occupational health and safety program."
Bridge's Maryland facility in USA has long maintained AAALAC accreditation. More than 30 countries recognize AAALAC accreditation as a demonstration of responsible, ethical lab animal care. AAALAC accreditation now acknowledges that Bridge's China facility also maintains animal laboratories with the highest international standards.
"Bridge has set the standard for China preclinical GLP labs," said Dr Ada Kung, General Manager of Bridge's facility in Beijing. "The AAALAC site inspectors cut no corners. They evaluated our overall physical plant, our animal husbandry and housing, plus waste management, the labs, our veterinary care, our procedures (SOP's), IACUC and policies, staff training and education and our safety program."
"AAALAC accreditation is what Bridge clients expect," said Bridge CEO Tom Oakley. "They insist on preclinical drug development services that deliver superior quality scientific data. Now, whether customers choose preclinical drug development studies in our laboratories in the US or China, AAALAC accreditation assures them we will deliver data quality of the highest order."
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