CTM export keeps increase first half year

   Date:2007/08/22     Source:
It was known from China Chamber of Commerce of Medicines & Health Products Importers & Exporters (CCCMHPIE), the export of Chinese traditional medicine (CTM) keeps increasing, and total export value reached 562 million Yuan in the first half year of 2007, up 10.69% year on year.

In the first half year, the export of plant extracts slowed down, and total export value is 250 million Yuan, up 10.53% year on year, taking up 44.8% of export of CTM. the export of Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine is 68.91 million Yuan, up 11.82% year on year. The export of halth products declined, and the export value is 33.47 million Yuan, down 14.35% year on year. The export of Chinese Medicinal Materials went up, and the export value is 209 million Yuan, up 15.94% year on year. 

In the second half year, the export of CTM is expected to keep continuance increase, and the export value of the whole year expected to reach 1.2 billion dollars.

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