Quality Problem Exists In American Soybeans

   Date:2007/08/23     Source:

Local media reports that the Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China says that the quality divisions of the local Exit-Entry Departments have found a lot of quality problems with soybeans imported from the United States.

AQSIQ have reported this to the U.S. authorities, asking them to conduct an investigation and take effective measures to avoid the re-occurrence of these cases.

In recent years, China has imported several million tons of transgenic soybeans from the United States each year. According to AQSIQ, the main problems of the soybeans identified include epidemics of the plants, the safety and sanitation of the soybeans and their substandard quality. Some of the soybeans contain pesticides and others contain less protein or oil than normal.

AQSIQ says that problems of the American soybeans exported to China shows that there is some inefficient operation on the planting, harvesting, storage, transport, and export quarantine of the American soybeans. AQSIQ says it will continue to strengthen the quarantine and supervision of the imported soybeans to ensure the safety and quality of the product.

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