Shanghai Food and Drug Administration's latest report shows in July 2007, eight pharmacies in Shanghai ran unqualified items and nine others have been asked to rectify their business within a given period.

The unqualified drug stores are Bieyanghong Changping Drug Store Co., Ltd.; Guxin Drug Store; Baikang Drug Store; Hengrong Drug Store Co., Ltd.; Buyi Drug Store Co., Ltd; Xianshengtang Drug Store; Yayuan Property Management Co., Ltd's Xinhai Drug Store; and Leiyun Shanghaiqu Drug Retailing Co., Ltd's Shuidian Road Drug Store.

Drug stores that have been asked to rectify their business include Zhengxitang Drug Store Co., Ltd.; Shimin Drug Store Co., Ltd.; Shanghai No. 1 Pharmaceutical Shop Dahua Store; Gude Drug Store; Chengzi Drug Store Laiyang Road Branch; Zhongyuanjian Drug Store Baiyang Road Branch; Bieyanghong Zhongxing Drug Store Co., Ltd.; Hengde Drug Store Co., Ltd; Weiling Store; and Yiyao Jiading Quancao Drug Store Co., Ltd.

Local media report that the unqualified enterprises will be punished in accordance with relevant laws. However there is no clear indication yet what those penalties will be.