Development trend of the second half year of 2007

   Date:2007/08/29     Source:
In the second half year of 2007, the operation cost will keep increasing for pharmaceurtical enterprises. But drug terminal market is still prosperous and pharmaceurtical industry will present increasing trend. 

 Production and sale will keep fast growth

International medicine trade will keep stable increase, especially for the trade of APIs and intermediate. Along with the implement of basic medical insurance system for urban employees in 79 experimental cities and the overall implement of the new rural cooperative medical service system, the huge consumption potential in communities and rural areas will gradually appear. It's estimated that gross industrial output value and sales revenue of Chinese pharmaceurtical industry will keep increasing by about 20% growth rate.

Profit margin will go up

Through the rectification for the medical market order and the implement of Anti-business-bribery action, the production and marketing order was ameliorated and the resources further be concentrated to leading enterprises. It's esatimated that the profit of Chinese pharmaceutical industry in 2007 will go off 2006's depression and the growth of profit will increase by 30% compared to 2006 year.

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