Hua Xing started to produce Vitamin C

   Date:2007/08/30     Source:


"Hua Xing had started to produce Vitamin C, but the production capacity is olny 2,000 tons." Recently the relevant principal of Hua Xing Medicines Factory said, "the production technology is two-step fermentation as same as several Vitamin C giants' ." About the sensitive question whether Hua Xing will enlarge the production scale in the future, the principal said it will dependent on the detailed situtation in the future.

About the cause that Hua Xing started the trial production of Vitamin C, an insider said, "on the one hand, facing the great pressure of circumstance protection for penicillin APIs, the enterprise maybe changed to produce Vitamin C which faces lower pressure of circumstance protection. On the other hand, the reson maybe is the price of Vitamin C keeps increase in nearly one year."

 Some people think Hua Xing has cost advantages, the lower cost on water, electrical energy, foodstuff (the materials), labor force. If the cost advantages also can appeare in the production of Vitamin C, maybe Hua Xing will influence the price of Vitamin C in the future.

Li Dongjiu, the deputy general manager of North China Pharmaceutical Group Corporation (NCPC), had the different opinions. First, Hua Xing's production capacity is only 2,000 tons, while the total production capacity of 4 leading enterprises is over 100,000, so it can't change the market pattern; Second, 4 leading enterprises have the long history of producing Vitamin C and have advantages on brands and quality. Third, because the requirements for circumstance protection are stricter, if Hua Xing wants to become a big manufacture of Vitamin C, it must increase the investment on the projects of circumstance protection and make breakthrough on technical index.


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