$500 million multinational enterprises invested on R&D centers in China

   Date:2007/09/07     Source:
According to the incomplete statistics, so far multinational pharmaceutical enterprises had spent more than 500 million dollars on setting up R&D center in China. Wang Xiaoliang, the director of Sciences Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, said, "it will push China to become a R&D base from a production base for multinational enterprises, along with the increase of the investment of multinational pharmaceutical enterprises on R&D. Shanghai Zhangjiang High-Tech Park has appeared this trend.

Wang Liqun, the director of strategy and cooperation of astrazeneca, said, "In the initial period, the business of multinational pharmaceutical prodcue in China are the production and sale of drugs. Now the integrated industrial chain including R&D, production and sale grandully appeared. "

Zhang Guojun, the vice board chairman of Zhejiang Medicine Co.,Ltd. said, "The purpose that Multinational enterprises set up R&D center is to decrease the cost of new drug discovery and development. So their products' competitive power are obviously increased."

Wang Liqun thought, usually multinational enterprises need to cooperate with Chinese relevant organations. It's useful for Chines drug research institutes, scholars and clinical docotors to take part in the global R&D process of innovative drugs more early.

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