Production capacity surplus

   Date:2007/10/01     Source:
At 2007 China Life Sciences Summit, the experts said:" Because there are different systems in Europe, USA and Japan markets, if Chinese generic can be sold to these markets, the profit is 5-8 folds than selling in Chines market." "Now the production capacity is surplus for half Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises, and it's an outlet to enlarge the export of generic drugs."

It was known few Chinese enterprises have exported finished drugs to developped countries. Zhejiang HuaHai Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd is the first enterprise passing FDA attestation. Shenzhen Lijian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd is the first enterprise selling cephalosporin formulation to Europe. Shijiazhuang No.4 Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd and Sichuan Kelun Pharmaceutical Factory Co.,Ltd have respectively exported their transfusion to foreign market and expected to go into USA market in the near future.

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