Provisions for Drug Recall will be made

   Date:2007/10/10     Source:
To implement the Special Regulations of the State Council on Intensifying Safety Control of Food and Other Products, the State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) organized the drafting of Provisions for Drug Recall (draft for comments). SFDA had published the draft for soliciting public opinions and suggestions on september 20th. 2007.

The draft includes six chapters (sixty articles). The rules claim the manufactures should recall the drugs which caused severe health damange or death to customers in one day. For the drugs which's damange is temporary or reversible, the manufactures should recall the drugs in 3 days. For the drugs which need be recalled because other reasons, the deadline is 7 days. The rules also includes the punishments for relevant manufactures which don't abide by the rules. The formal version will be published in the future.

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