Chinese government eases ban on sales of Etimicin sulfate

   Date:2007/10/11     Source:
Aida Pharmaceuticals, one of mainland China's leading pharmaceutical companies, has announced that the Chinese government has loosened national restrictions for the sale of Etimicin sulfate throughout China. Aida expects the sales of the company's main revenue-generating product to increase noticeably as sales efforts are pursued nationwide without restriction.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Security eliminated restrictions on Etimicin, which is in the aminoglycoside antibiotic family. Aminoglycoside antibiotis were previously thought to be potentially unsafe for treating patients with a history of kidney disease. Although Etimicin had been clinically established to be safe and effective for people with such issues, it was not until now that the restrictions have been lifted.
Mr Jin Biao, Chairman and CEO of Aida Pharmaceuticals, noted, "This is strong substantiation by the appropriate governmental regulatory body that the safeness of Etimicin has been universally and officially recognized. We are definitely pleased at this acceptance of the outstanding characteristic of low toxicity in this new generation of aminoglycoside antibiotics. We believe that this will allow us to promote the sales of Etimicin and broaden our customer base"
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