FDA discusses with Chinese health officials on food safety

   Date:2007/10/16     Source:
The US Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr Andrew C von Eschenbach met with leading officials in China, as part of a series of negotiations launched by Mr Mike Leavitt, secretary, Health and Human Services, with Chinese counterparts on the safety of food, feed, drugs and medical devices. The meeting provided an opportunity for high-ranking experts from both governments to exchange views and information about their respective efforts to protect and promote the health of their citizens.
Dr von Eschenbach met with Dr Zhu Chen, minister of health of the People’s Republic of China, Mr Shao Mingli, Commissioner of China’s State Food and Drug Administration, and Mr Chuanzhong Wei, Vice Minister of the Chinese General Administration of Quality, Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.
Dr von Eschenbach said, “Our discussions were very productive. Minister Mr Chen, Commissioner Mr Shao and Vice Minister Mr Wei are distinguished leaders, who are, like me, dedicated to enhancing the health of the men, women, and children we each serve, and to protecting the safety of our food supply and chain of medical and pharmaceutical products. We are all deeply committed to enhancing the health of the publics we serve.”
During the meeting, both sides framed their discussion in the context of global medical research and public health concerns, all of which the activities of their respective organizations affect.
The USFDA and its Chinese counterparts are developing agreements to increase cooperation and information sharing between the US and Chinese governments. These agreements are aimed at protecting the public health and providing safe products to the US consumers.
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