West Clinic opens cancer center in Shanghai

   Date:2007/10/25     Source:
West Clinic, a recognized leader in cancer care, announced yesterday the opening of West Clinic International Shanghai.
The 7000 square foot, state-of-the art facility is being opened in collaboration with Shanghai Kanglian Hospital and will provide 'western-style' comprehensive cancer care. Shanghai represents the second center opened by Memphis-based West Clinic International during the past year. West Clinic International Singapore opened in October 2006.
The facility will house full-service laboratory and state-of-the-art imaging technologies including digital x-ray, ultrasound, echocardiography and mammography. The center will offer comprehensive oncology services and treatments including contemporary chemotherapy, novel targeted therapies, biological therapies, immunotherapy, and anti-angiogenic therapy in addition to genetic and nutritional counseling, palliative care, and pain management.
Access to the latest research and clinical trials will be available to patients through West Clinic International Shanghai's collaboration with the Accelerated Community Oncology Research Network (ACORN). Until recently, access to such clinical trials has been difficult or often impossible for patients in China.
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