Antihemophilic factor scarce Bayer's Kogenate approved

   Date:2007/11/12     Source:
From July this year, the supply of antihemophilic factor Ⅷ (human) is scarce around the country which Chinese government departments have put close attention to. State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) even requested the relevant enterprises firstly to produce the product.

SFDA had given "green channel" to the registration of Bayer's recombination antihemophilic factor (Brand name : Kogenate), now Kogenate had been approved to market in China without doing clinical trial in China.

Now the price of Kogenate is waiting to be approved by relevant department and hoping to be listed in Drug Catalogue of National Basic Medical Insurance. Its price is more expensive than the price of antihemophilic factor made from plasma.

From January 1st 2008, more strict rules of quarantine period for the materials of blood product will be implemented. According to the new rules, collected plasma must be deposited for 3 months before being used in production. Now some enterprises have began to store plasma which maybe should acause the supply of antihemophilic factor more scarce.

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