2008 China's medical industry should keep rapid growth

   Date:2007/11/15     Source:
At 19th state pharmaceutical economic information conference (SPEIC), Lin Jianling, the principal of Southern Medical Economic Institute, expected Gross Industrial Output Value of China's medical industry in 2007 shoud reach about 630 billion Yuan, up 17.8%~18.5% compared to 2006's.

Why is the growth rate so big? "Firstly China's medical industry is in the low valley in 2006; Second, after the campaign of anti-business bride in medical industry finished, the sales in hospticals get back with fast speed; Third, the export of medical products goes up with fast speed; the third terminal market (the other markets except hospital market and drug store market) develops rapidly." Lin Jianling said.

Lin Jianling thought medical economy will keep flourishing situation in 2008, because macroscopical economy will increase with fast speed; Market capacity will enlarge benefited from new policy of medical reform; the situation of import & export of medical products will keep good growth and the investmet coming from overseas will bring new impetus.

Lin Jianling announced the forecast of medical economic index in 2008: based on the data of relevant statistic departments, Gross Industrial Output Value of China's medical industry in 2008 will reach 740-760 billion Yuan, up 19%~20% compared to 2007's, based on the data of Southern Medical Economic Institute, the Gross Industrial Output Value will reach 708 billion Yuan, up 18%.

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