Fuel output up, ban on hoarding

   Date:2007/11/28     Source:
CHINA will increase its fuel output and crack down on hoarding to bring the nation's tight oil supply back to normal, the National Development and Reform Commission said yesterday.

"Since October, some areas have seen diesel in short supply due to surging global crude oil prices and rising consumption before the forthcoming winter. Some refineries are also not running at full capacity which puts more pressure on the oil supply," the NDRC said in a statement on its Website.

To cope with the situation, the nation's top planner said it will get China Petrochemical Corp and China National Petroleum Corp to obtain diesel supplies from more sources and distribute them rationally.

All refineries will lift their efficiency and production will run at peak capacity by delaying maintenance work and reducing the refining of industrial oil so that home, transport and public utility supplies will be guaranteed.

The two dominant state oil companies will be urged to cooperate with the regional refineries in Shandong, Shaanxi and Sichuan provinces, and provide more crude oil to them and at the same time purchasing more of their refined products.

Key areas including Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin and Guangdong Province, as well as locations along major highways, will have to ensure that enough fuel is available.

As well the CNPC will deliver 20,000 tons of diesel to Yunnan Province and another 7,000 tons to Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region where serious shortages of fuel have been reported.

China will reinforce its market supervision and take action on hoarding and overcharging.

"With these measures, China's fuel supply will be normal again very shortly," the statement said.

Crude prices, expected to hit US$100 per barrel soon, have exacerbated losses for Chinese refineries as the refined oil product prices are set by the government.
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