Paracetamol price increased significantly

   Date:2007/12/12     Source:
Based on's monitoring, the price of Paracetamol increased significantly from late October. The price of Paracetamol powder is 19-20 Yuan/kg in September, but at the beginning of December the price increased to 23-24 Yuan/kg, and the price of Paracetamol (DC90) increased to 25-26 Yuan/kg.

In the past several years, the pirce of Paracetamol constantly was at low level. Even facing the decrease of Export Rebates for Paracetamol, the price didn't change obviously. In the winter the demand for Paracetamol increased and the prices of materials increased, so the price increased obviously and the export prices of Paracetamol preparations also increase by 15%.

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