US strengthens agri trade with China

   Date:2007/12/20     Source:

Giving a clear signal to the world that the US is all set to tap the China market, the US Department of Agriculture last week opened a new agricultural trade office in Chengdu, the capital of southwest China's province of Sichuan.

Opening the office, A Ellen Terpstra, Deputy Under Secretary for USDA's farm and foreign agricultural services, said: "China is a vital market for US agricultural products."

"It is one of the world's largest economies and the fifth largest market for US agricultural exports. Rising per capita incomes and steady economic growth are creating new demand for US foods and beverages in this region. This office will help US exporters position themselves to take advantage of these trends."

Along with offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, the Chengdu office is the fourth USDA agricultural trade office on mainland China and the 102nd overseas office staffed by USDA in 82 countries around the world.

China imported roughly $8.2 billion worth of US agricultural products in fiscal year 2007, a record figure. Bulk and intermediate products like soybeans, cotton, hides, meat, and poultry accounted for a large portion of that total.

While US bulk commodities have traditionally fared well in this market -- the market for US soybeans and cotton is the largest for the United States -- US consumer-ready foods like nuts, dairy products and wine made the biggest gains in 2007 with a 44 per cent increase over fiscal year 2006.

The primary mission of agricultural trade offices is to help market and promote US agricultural, fish, and forestry products, and to assist in trade development. The offices provide a starting point for US companies, cooperatives, farmers and processors interested in exporting.

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