Prices of hormones APIs keep increasing in 2007

   Date:2007/12/28     Source:

The prices of hormones APIs generally increased with over 20% growth in 2007. Moreover the price increasing situation will continue. The typical products are saponin and Dexamethasone.

The price of saponin increased sharply from August, and the price increased to 26,000 Yuan/ton in early September, from 15,000-16,000 Yuan/ton in August. The price was between 22,000 to 23,000 Yuan/ton in September and October. In November the price rebound to 26,000 Yuan/ton, and now the price is 26,000 Yuan/ton. Because the increased environmental protection requirements and the limit of production capacity, it's expected the price shouldn't go down next year.

At the beginning of 2007, the price of Dexamethasone was 7200-7500 Yuan/kg (99%). The price went up to 9500 Yuan/kg in early September. Now the price is 9300-9400 Yuan/kg. The export price was about 1100 US$/kg in October, up about 50% compared to the same time of last year.

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