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Concord Medical Services Holdings Limited(CCM.NYSE)

Introduction from Google Finace
Concord Medical Services Holdings Limited operates a network of radiotherapy and diagnostic imaging centers in China. As of December 31, 2009, the Company鈥檚 network comprised 88 centers based in 57 hospitals, spanning 36 cities across 21 provinces and administrative regions in China. Most of the centers in its network are established through long-term lease and management services arrangements entered into with the hospital partners. Under these arrangements, Concord Medical receives a contracted percentage of each center鈥檚 revenue net of specified operating expenses. In April 2010, the Company鈥檚 subsidiary Shenzhen Aohua Medical Leasing & Services Limited acquired Tianjin Kangmeng Radiology Equipment Management Co., Ltd. Effective July 1, 2010, the Company entered into a joint venture with Chang'An Hospital for the operation of Chang'An Hospital's cancer treatment facilities by acquiring a 52% equity interest in Xi'an Wan Jie Hua Xiang Medical Technology Development Limited.
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