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| China Online Video Industry Report, 2011
| 2011-08-09 | |
| China Mobile Payment Industry Report, 2010-2011
| 2011-06-29 | |
| China Online Group Buying Industry Report, 2010-2011
| 2011-04-18 | |
| China Online Shopping Market Survey Report, 2010
| 2010-09-28 | |
| China Online Shopping Industry Report, 2010
| 2010-08-24 | |
| Global and China LBSNS (Location-Based Social Networking Service) Market Report, 2010
| 2010-07-29 | |
| China Mobile Game Industry Report, 2009-2010
| 2010-03-19 | |
| China Online Shopping Industry Report, 2009
| 2009-11-23 | |
| China Online Payment Industry Report, 2009
| 2009-11-17 | |
| China Online Games Market Report, 2007-2008
| 2008-08-20 | |
| China Network Video Monitoring Market Report, 2007
| 2008-08-20 | |
| China Online Recruitment Market Report, 2006-2007
| 2008-08-20 | |
| China Tourism & Recreation Website Report, 2006
| 2008-08-20 | |
| China E-commerce Profit Model Report, 2006-2007
| 2008-08-20 | |
| China Online Game Industry Report, 2005-2006
| 2008-08-20 | |
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| Unique Visitors of NetEase Weibo by Region, Aug. 2011...
| 2011-10-12 | |
| Unique Visitors of Sohu Weibo by Region, Aug. 2011...
| 2011-10-12 | |
| Geographical Distribution of Unique Visitors of Tencent Weibo, August, 2011...
| 2011-10-12 | |
| Geographical Distribution of Unique Visitors of Sina Weibo, August, 2011...
| 2011-10-12 | |
| Top 29 cities by sales of Group-buying in China, August, 2011 (Units: RMB 1...
| 2011-10-12 | |
| Per-Capita Consumption per times of Group Buying of 40 Major Cities in Chin...
| 2011-10-12 | |
| Sales of Group Buying of 40 major cities in China, Apr. to Aug., 2011 (Unit...
| 2011-10-12 | |
| Sales Volume of Group Buying of 40 Major Cities in China, Apr. to Aug., 201...
| 2011-10-12 | |
| Revenue Scale of Search Engine Market in China, Mar., 2009 - Mar., 2011...
| 2011-10-11 | |
| Revenue of Network Tourism Market in China, Mar., 2010 - Jun., 2011...
| 2011-10-11 | |
| Market Size of Online Payment in China, Mar., 2009 - Jun., 2011...
| 2011-10-11 | |
| Market Scale of Online Travel Booking in China, Mar., 2010 - Jun., 2011...
| 2011-10-11 | |
| Delivery Value of Online B2B Market in China, Mar., 2010 - Jun., 2011...
| 2011-10-11 | |
| Mobile Advertising Market Scale in China, Mar., 2009 - Jun., 2011...
| 2011-10-08 | |
| Mobile E-Commerce Trading Scale in China, Mar., 2009 - Jun., 2011...
| 2011-10-08 | |
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