Home>Public Sector >Retailing |
| China Chain Catering Industry Report, 2010-2011
| 2011-09-15 | |
| Global and China Toy Industry Report, 2010-2011
| 2011-07-19 | |
| China Retail Industry Report, 2010-2011
| 2011-07-08 | |
| China Textile Fabric Industry Report, 2011
| 2011-05-25 | |
| China Sporting Goods Industry Report, 2010-2011
| 2011-03-28 | |
| China Luxuries Industry Report, 2010-2012
| 2010-11-22 | |
| China Supermarket Industry Report, 2010
| 2010-11-09 | |
| Global and China Toy Industry Report, 2010
| 2010-07-23 | |
| China Retail Industry Report, 2009-2010
| 2010-06-24 | |
| China Sports Industry Report, 2009
| 2010-03-26 | |
| China Sporting Goods Industry Report, 2009
| 2009-11-18 | |
| China Supermarket Industry Report, 2009
| 2009-09-30 | |
| China Listed Foreign Trade Companies Report, 2008-2009
| 2009-05-06 | |
| China Toy Industry Report, 2008
| 2009-03-05 | |
| China Supermarket Industry Report, 2008
| 2009-01-09 | |
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| Revenue Structure by Industry of Fiyta,2008-2010...
| 2011-07-21 | |
| Revenue Structure by Regional of Fiyta,2008-2010...
| 2011-07-21 | |
| Revunue, Store Amount and Operating Area of Rainbow Dept.Store, 2006-2010...
| 2011-07-15 | |
| Store Amount Statistics of Rainbow,2002-2010...
| 2011-07-15 | |
| Sales of China Social Consumer Goods, Jan. 2010-May 2011 (Unit: RMB bn)...
| 2011-06-24 | |
| Export Growth of Textile and Clothing, Jan.-Sep.2008...
| 2008-11-04 | |
| Growth of Garment Retail Sales, Jan.2007-Jul.2008...
| 2008-09-27 | |
| Export Rebate Changes of Textile & Clothing, 1994-Jul. 2008...
| 2008-09-27 | |
| Monthly Export of Textile Garments Industry, Jan 2007-Jul 2008...
| 2008-09-27 | |
| Monthly Export of Textile and Garment Industry to Key Markets, Jan.2007-Ju...
| 2008-09-27 | |
| Export Growth and Favourable Balance of Textile Industry, 2007-May 2008...
| 2008-09-27 | |
| Proportion of Textile Sales in Domestic and Foreign Markets, 2004-H1 2008...
| 2008-09-27 | |
| Retail Price Index by Category, Aug. 2008...
| 2008-09-26 | |
| Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods, Aug.2008...
| 2008-09-26 | |
| Consumer Confidence Index, July 2008...
| 2008-08-26 | |
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