Fosun International Limited(00656.HK)

Introduction from Google Finance
Fosun International Limited is engaged in the manufacture and sale of pharmaceutical products, property development, the manufacture and sale of iron and steel products, mining and ore processing of various metals, and the management of investments. It operates in five segments: the pharmaceuticals and healthcare segment, which is engaged in the research and development, manufacturing, sale and trading of pharmaceutical products; the property segment, which is engaged in the development and sale of properties in the People鈥檚 Republic of China; the steel segment, which is engaged in the manufacturing, sale and trading of iron and steel products; the mining segment, which is engaged in the mining and ore processing of various metals, and the others segment, which comprises the management of investments in retail and services industries, and other investments. On May 31, 2010, it acquired Garden Plaza SRL. On May 18, 2010, it disposed Shanghai Yizhou Investment Management Co., Ltd.
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Introduction from Company WebSite
Fosun was established in 1992. It is a typical story of success after China's reform and opening-up. On July 16, 2007, Fosun International, the parent company of Fosun Group went public on Hong Kong Stock Exchange.Fosun's business scope covers pharmaceuticals and healthcare; property;steel; mining; retail, services and other investments.
With a strong base in China, Fosun adheres to its principle of "linking China's growth momentum with global resources" and reinforces its position as a China expert with global capabilities. Fosun proactively taps into investment opportunities that are set to benefit from China's economic transformation with focus on domestic demand as well as China's progress of urbanization and industrialization. Apart from strictly implementing its strategy of value investment and continuously creating value for the society and its shareholders, Fosun also actively contributes its efforts to improve the commercial environment and natural environment of China so as to support the rejuvenation of Chinese economy and culture. With Fosun's three core competencies, namely continuous exploring and identifying investment opportunities benefiting from China's growth, continuous management improvement and continuous optimized financing from multiple sources, together with its entrepreneurial leadership that identifies itself with Fosun's culture, Fosun is enjoying a great development momentum that creates value continuously.
Currently, Fosun ranks among China's top 100 enterprises and has remained as one of the largest tax payers among China's private enterprises for many years. In 2010, Fosun ranked 1264 among Forbes 2000. Among China's top 500 private enterprises in 2010, Fosun ranked 2nd in profit, 4th in asset,4th in tax payment and 14th inoperating revenue. All Fosun's businesses enjoy healthy development and leadership role in respective niche market. 
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