LME Aluminum Trading Rose 37% in July From Year Earlier - ResearchInChina

Date:2011-08-05xieshasha  Text Size:

Aug 4, (Bloomberg)--Trading of aluminum futures and options on the London Metal Exchange surged almost 37 percent in July from a year earlier, according to figures from the exchange. Following are monthly futures and options trading volumes for selected metals on the LME. The data are taken from the bourse’s website.

Futures, options
                     July 2011     July 2010
NASAAC                 52,039         73,706
Aluminum            4,718,178      3,455,755
Copper              2,610,985      2,544,938
Lead                  913,585        663,455
Nickel                606,144        587,197
Tin                   118,129        129,351
Zinc                1,809,880      1,467,170
Steel Billet           19,645         18,906

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