(17 August 2011 – Hong Kong) The board of directors ("the Board") of Real Nutriceutical Group Limited ("Real Nutri";stock code:2010) is pleased to announce the interim results of Real Nutri and its subsidiaries (the "Group") for the six months ended 30 June 2011.
Driven by the surge in sales and gross profit margin of health supplement products, the Group reported a turnover of RMB842.2 million for the six months ended 30 June 2011, representing an increase of 37.4% comparing to RMB612.8 million of the same period last year. Gross profit of the Group amounted to RMB624.1 million, representing an increase of 38.7% comparing to RMB 450.0 million of the same period last year. Profit before taxation of the Group increased by 43.5% to RMB368.5 million, as compared to RMB256.9 million of the corresponding period of last year. Net profit for the period reached RMB257.9 million, increased by 45.2% as compared to RMB177.6 million of the corresponding period of 2010. The Board recommended an interim dividend payment of HK2.0 cents per share.