MEMS bring magnetic sensors growth in mobile applications

Date:2011-08-26yangliangyu  Text Size:
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August 25, 2011 - PRWEB -- Magnetic sensors will exceed $3.2 billion in sales by 2017 driven largely by "E-compassing" applications, according to Global Industry Analysts (GIA). Unique end-use applications, along with technology innovations, interoperability with devices and competitive pricing, will fuel "robust" magnetic sensors growth, says GIA.

Better sensitivity, compactness and flexibility in today's magnetic sensors has led to integration in high-end industrial/automotive applications through low-cost consumer and mobile products. Position sensors, speed sensors and record heads in hard disk drives in computers are the most commonly used magnetic sensor types. Smartphone and automotive-integrated magnetic sensors are enabling a host of new navigation functions in mobile and other GPS devices. Ultra-sensitive superconducting quantum interface devices (SQUIDs) are highly effective in medical applications for detection functions.

Thanks to the miniaturization of micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS), built using semiconductor fab processes, silicon-based magnetoresistive sensors (AMR, GMR) are enabling devices with functionality that hall devices cannot provide, and these sensors are replacing micro switches, potentiometers and reed switches. Manufacturers are investing in GMR technology development, attributed mainly to the significant growth in the HDD area density. Silicon magnetic sensors will flourish in mobile devices, desktop PCs; smartphones; gaming; audio and video devices and personal electronics.


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