Chinese mobile browser firm targets 35% share in India by 2015

Date:2011-11-10hanyue  Text Size:

China-based mobile internet browser company UCWeb today said it is looking to capture around 35 per cent market share in India by 2015.

"We expect mobile internet user base in India to reach close to 300 million by 2015. Out of this, we are looking to reach out to 35 per cent people, which will be close to 100 million users by 2015," UCWeb Director for International Strategic Cooperation Robert Tanner said here.

The company today unveiled the new version of its mobile internet browser, UCWeb 8.0, for Android-based mobile phones.

"Our browser is compatible with most of the leading mobile operating systems (OS), like Symbian, Android, Java, iPhone, MTK, Brew and BlackBerry. This version we have tested with Android and found excellent results. We'll simultaneously open it for other OSes," UCWeb Chief Executive Officer Yu Yongfu said.

Yongfu claimed UCWeb is the fastest browser available for mobile phones and said it compresses data by up to 90 per cent, which saves money for mobile internet users.

"UCWeb supports many applications that most mobile internet browsers don't. It supports flash, access of pdf files, updates for software on the phone and many other kind of file formats," Tanner said.

UCWeb has set up an office in India, as well as local servers to serve Indian clients.

Tanner added that UCWeb plans to conduct aggressive hiring in India to customise its browsers to suit the needs of Indian users. However, Tanner did not disclose details on the recruitment numbers being targeted.

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