Beijing to Introduce New Emission Standards Next Year

   Date:2011-12-12     Source:puchangpingqulina (Shanghai December 10) - Beijing will adapt the Fifth National Standards for fuel quality and vehicle emissions early next year, the Beijing Times reported today.

The capital will limit the amount of sulfur in fuel from 50 ppm to 10 ppm, as well as modify the octane ratings from 90, 93 and 97 to 80, 92 and 95, the capital's Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) said. "Reducing the amount of sulfur [in fuel] is the goal of every agency," Li Kunsheng, director for the EPB's vehicle emissions division, said. According to Mr. Kun, the amount of sulfur in fuel is directly related to fuel pollution.

When asked about the Fifth National Standards for vehicle emissions, Mr. Kun said that they were a step beyond the Fourth Standards currently used. The Bureau hopes that the new standards will help cut carbon emissions by up to ten percent. The Bureau will also begin collecting opinions on proposed legislation regarding revised standards for diesel fuel.


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