Chinese Bus Sales Increase over 7% in 2011

   Date:2011-12-15     Source:puchangpingqulina (Shanghai December 14) - 211,400 buses have been sold in China since the beginning of the year, reported today. That is 7.68 percent higher than the amount sold in 2010. 23,100 buses were sold in November alone. According to Yu Zhenqing, deputy secretary general of China Highway and Transportation Society's bus division, sales for buses should continue to increase steadily  in the future.

Sales of mid- to large-sized buses have been growing significantly more than those of small ones. Mid- to large-sized bus sales grew 19.36 percent this month, while small bus sales fell 14.55 percent. The statistics are based on the 50 leading manufacturers in the segment.

Bus manufacturers have faced problems of demand outpacing supply, which is why Mr. Yu believes the future for the bus industry is very bright. According to the Twelfth Five-Year Guideline, a five year national economic directive, high-class buses should make 40 percent of all bus sales by 2015.


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