China Mobile Nets CNY6.27 Per Share for 2011


China Mobile, the largest mobile telecom carrier in China, on March 15 released its 2011 financial report, posting basic EPS of CNY6.27 (US$0.97).

The total number of subscribers increased by 65.55 million in 2011 to 650 million at the end of the year, including over 51 million 3G (TD-SCDMA) subscribers, China Mobile indicated.

Revenues from data business operation rose 15.4% from 2010 and accounted for 26.4% of total operating revenues, the company said.
China Mobile has set a capex budget of CNY131.9 billion for 2012, with 41% earmarked for mobile networks.
In order to facilitate operation of TD-LTE, China Mobile plans to set up 20,000 base stations in 2012 and upgrade a portion of 3G base stations to support TD-LTE in 2013, aiming to reach a total of 200,000 TD-LTE base stations around China in three years

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