Samsung, China Unicom to Launch Two RMB-1,000 Smartphones


On May 2, China Unicom (NYSE: CHU; 0762.HK; 600050.SH) reported that Samsung, after coordinating with the operator, has confirmed that its initial release of RMB 1,000 smartphones will comprise two handset models, the S6102E and the S6352, to be released at a yet-to-be-determined date. Unicom said that it had released more than ten RMB 1,000 smartphones in 2011, of which it shipped a total of 11 mln units, all from local Chinese brands. A China Unicom employee said that market research had found that of China's 900 mln mobile phone users, 90% were using handsets retailing for less than RMB 2,000.


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