The year on year partnering trends also illustrate a different path by big pharma when compared to the industry at large. In 2009 there was a substantial increase in transactions overall because so many companies were seeking out partners to compensate for the losses endured as a result of the financial crisis the previous year. In fact, the volume of deals increased by 23% and the average deal value fell by 12%, indicating companies were forced to do more with less. By 2010, the increased deal activity began to subside and the values slowly began to rise. During that same period, however, big pharma seemed untouched by the financial crisis and maintained an even pace of deal activity until 2010 when partnership volume began to slowly and steadily contract. Likewise, in 2009 the sector’s average deal values increased while the rest of the industry saw a decline. Since that time, other sectors are once again following suit; most notably in 2013 when average deal values are markedly on the rise.