Global and China ITO Targets Industry Report, 2017-2021
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ITO (indium tin oxide) targets are one of the key materials in the field of electronic information. At present, global markets are concentrated in Japan, South Korea, Mainland China and Taiwan, but only a few companies such as JX Nippon Mining & Metals, Mitsui Mining & Smelting, Tosoh, Samsung and Heraeus, can provide ITO targets due to technical barriers, of which the first three (JX Nippon Mining & Metals, Mitsui Mining & Smelting, Tosoh) grab an around 65% share in global market.
China’s ITO targets industry features late start, small production scale and low- and medium-end products, and high-end ITO targets for TFT-LCD and touch panel still rely on imports. China’s demand for ITO targets nevertheless keeps rising , with a CAGR of 10.9% during 2011-2016, as downstream markets like LCD, touch panel and OLED expand rapidly. The figure is expected to remain at above 7.0% during 2017-2021.
To meet the growing market demand, Chinese ITO targets enterprises have striven to advance construction of localization projects over the recent years, and some of them have already brought their targets projects into production and launched products. Wherein, Guangxi Crystal Union Photoelectric Materials has raised its ITO targets capacity to 60t/a by dint of the capital of Luoyang Longhua Heat Transfer & Energy Conservation which acquired the former in August 2016. Moreover, the 200t/a ITO targets project of Umicore Vital Thin Film Technologies was partially put into production in 2016.
Additionally, Luoyang Longhua Heat Transfer & Energy Conservation also plans an increase in ITO targets capacity to 260t/a in the coming three years; Vital Materials plans to construct LCD panel used ITO targets production project (800t/a ITO targets, 100t/a solar targets and 100t/a other targets) in Xinzhan District, Hefei city, Anhui province in 2017, and to complete it in late 2018.

The rare metal indium is the main raw material of ITO targets. China is the world’s largest indium producer with the richest indium resources, occupying 80% of global total. China’s output of refined indium began to drop in 2015 due to weaker indium investment demand, low price and stricter environmental requirement, and fell by 2.9% in 2016 versus 2015, expectedly down 5.9% year on year in 2017.
Meanwhile, for indium has demerits of high resistance, fragility, high costs and difficult waste recycling, silver nanowire, metal mesh, carbon nanotube and graphene are the substitutes for ITO, but only silver nanowire and metal mesh technologies are now capable of industrial application, of which the former has matured.
Global and China ITO Targets Industry Report, 2017-2021 highlights the following:
Global ITO targets market (supply and demand, and competition);
China’s ITO targets market (technology status, supply and demand, competition pattern, key projects, substitute products and development trend);
Global and Chinese indium market (supply and demand, import and export, and price);
Global and Chinese tin market (supply and demand, import and export, and price);
Situation and demand of ITO targets downstream industries (LCD, touch panel, solar cell and LED/OLED);
8 global and 13 Chinese ITO targets enterprises (operation, ITO targets business and development strategy).
1 Brief Introduction to ITO Targets
1.1 Concept
1.2 Preparation Method
1.3 Industry Chain
2 Status Quo of Global ITO Targets
2.1 Supply and Demand
2.2 Competition Pattern
2.2.1 Production Pattern
2.2.2 Consumption Pattern
3 Status Quo of Chinese ITO Targets
3.1 Overview
3.2 Technology
3.3 Supply and Demand
3.3.1 Supply
3.3.2 Demand
3.4 Key Projects
3.5 Alternative Products
3.5.1 Metal Mesh
3.5.2 Silver Nanowire
3.5.3 Graphene
3.6 Development Trend
4 Upstream - Indium Market
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Reserves and Distribution
4.3 Supply and Demand
4.3.1 Supply
4.3.2 Consumption
4.4 Import and Export
4.4.1 Related Policies
4.4.2 Summary of Import and Export
4.4.3 Export
4.4.4 Import
4.5 Price Trend
5 Upstream - Tin Market
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Reserves and Distribution
5.3 Supply and Demand
5.3.1 Global
5.3.2 China
5.4 Import and Export
5.5 Price Trend
5.6 Key Enterprises
6 Downstream Applications
6.1 Overview
6.2 LCD Panel
6.2.1 Market Situation
6.2.2 ITO Targets for LCD Panel
6.3 Touch Panel
6.3.1 Market Situation
6.3.2 ITO Targets for Touch Panel
6.4 Others
6.4.1 Solar Cell
6.4.2 LED
6.4.3 OLED
7 Key Companies Worldwide
7.1 Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd.
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Operation
7.1.3 ITO Targets Business
7.1.4 Development in China
7.2 JX Nippon Mining & Metals
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Operation
7.2.3 ITO Targets Business
7.2.4 Development in China
7.3 Tosoh Corporation
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Operation
7.3.3 ITO Targets Business
7.3.4 Development in China
7.4 Samsung Corning
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Operation
7.4.3 ITO Targets Business
7.5 Heraeus
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Operation
7.5.3 ITO Targets Business
7.5.4 Development in China
7.6 Umicore
7.6.1 Profile
7.6.2 Operation
7.6.3 ITO Targets Business
7.6.4 Development in China
7.7.1 Profile
7.7.2 Operation
7.7.3 ITO Targets Business
7.8 Solar Applied Materials Technology Corporation (SOLAR)
7.8.1 Profile
7.8.2 Operation
7.8.3 ITO Targets Business
8 Key Enterprises in China
8.1 Zhuzhou Smelter Group Co., Ltd.
8.1.1 Profile
8.1.2 Operation
8.1.3 ITO Targets Business
8.1.4 Development Strategy
8.2 Guangxi China Tin Group Co., Ltd.
8.2.1 Profile
8.2.2 Operation
8.2.3 ITO Targets Business
8.3 CNMC (Ningxia) Orient Group Co., Ltd.
8.3.1 Profile
8.3.2 Operation
8.3.3 ITO Targets Business
8.4 Guangxi Crystal Union Photoelectric Materials Co., Ltd.
8.4.1 Profile
8.4.2 Operation
8.4.3 ITO Targets Business
8.4.4 Development Strategy
8.5 Beijing Yeke Nano Tech Co., Ltd.
8.5.1 Profile
8.5.2 ITO Targets Business
8.5.3 Key Projects
8.6 Guangdong Triumph Photovoltaic Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.
8.6.1 Profile
8.6.2 ITO Targets Business
8.7 Shaoguan Sigma Technology Co., Ltd.
8.7.1 Profile
8.7.2 ITO Targets Business
8.8 Hebei Pengda New Material Technical Co., Ltd.
8.8.1 Profile
8.8.2 ITO Targets Business
8.9 Changsha ENAM Optoelectronic Material Co., Ltd.
8.9.1 Profile
8.9.2 ITO Targets Business
8.10 Luoyang Ship Material Research Institute
8.10.1 Profile
8.10.2 ITO Targets Business
8.11 Changzhou Sujing Electronic Materials Co., Ltd.
8.11.1 Profile
8.11.2 ITO Targets Business
8.12 Omat Group
8.12.1 Profile
8.12.2 ITO Targets Business
8.13 Vital Materials Co., Ltd.
8.13.1 Profile
8.13.2 ITO Targets Business
9 Summary and Forecast
9.1 Market
9.2 Enterprises
Major Preparation Methods and Their Merits & Demerits of ITO Targets
ITO Target Industry Chain
Capacity and Share of Global Major ITO Target Enterprises, 2016
Global Output of ITO Targets, 2010-2021E
Global Demand for ITO Targets, 2010-2021E
Global ITO Targets Supply Market by Country/Region, 2016
Global Major ITO Target Enterprises by Grade
Policies on ITO Targets in China, 2010-2017
ITO Target Preparation Methods of Major Chinese Enterprises
Capacity of Major Chinese ITO Target Enterprises, 2017H1
China’s Output of ITO Targets, 2011-2021E
China’s Demand for ITO Targets, 2011-2021E
China’s Demand Structure of ITO Targets, 2016
Key ITO Targets Projects Planned or under Construction in China, 2017
Comparison of ITO, Metal Mesh and Silver Nanowire
Transmittance and Conductivity of ITO Substitutes
Major Enterprises Embarking on ITO Substitution Field in Recent Years
Structure of Silver Nanowires
Major Silver Nanowire Producers in China
Graphene Film Capacity of Some Chinese Enterprises
China Graphene Film Market Size, 2015-2021E
Global Indium Reserves and Basic Reserves
Indium Resources in China
Global Refined Indium Supply, 2011-2017
China's Output of Refined Indium, 2011-2017
China Output of Refined Indium by Region, 2011-2017
Global Indium Ingot Consumption Structure, 2016
China's Consumption Structure of Refined Indium, 2014-2017
China's Indium Consumption, 2012-2021E
China's Tariffs on Indium Export, 2007-2017
China's Quotas on Indium Export, 2008-2016
China's Indium Exporters and Export Quotas, 2016
China's Net Imports of Indium, 2009-2017
China's Exports of Indium, 2011-2017
China's Exports of Indium by Destination, 2016
China's Imports of Indium, 2011-2017
China's Imports of Indium by Source, 2016
Spot Refined Indium Prices in China, 2013-2017
Global Tin Reserves and Distribution, 2016
China's Recoverable Reserves of Tin Ore
Global Tin Ore Output (by Country), 2015-2016
Global Refined Tin Output, 2012-2017
Global Refined Tin Output (by Region), 2014-2016
Global Refined Tin Consumption, 2012-2017
Global Refined Tin Consumption (by Region), 2014-2016
Global Refined Tin Consumption by Field, 2016
China’s Tin Concentrate Output (by Province and Municipality), 2016-2017
China’s Refined Tin Output and Consumption, 2012-2017
Refined Tin Output in China's Major Regions, 2016-2017
China’s Imports and Exports of Refined Tin, 2015-2017
China's Imports of Major Tin Products, 2015-2017
China's Exports of Major Tin Products, 2015-2017
Tin Prices at Home and Abroad, 2015-2017
Global Top10 Refined Tin Producers by Output, 2016
China's Top10 Refined Tin Producers by Output, 2016
Consumption Structure of ITO Targets by Application
Global Large-sized TFT-LCD Panel Shipments and YoY Growth, 2013-2021E
Global Large-sized TFT-LCD Panel Shipments by Application, 2010-2016
LCD Panel Production Lines in Operation and under Construction in China, Feb 2017
Application of ITO in LCD
Global Touch Panel Shipments, 2012-2021E
China's Touch Panel Shipments, 2012-2021E
Performance Comparison of Two Types of Touch Panels
Working Principle of Capacitive Touch Screen
Global Demand for Touch Panel-use ITO Targets, 2012-2021E
Application of ITO in Solar Cell
China's Solar Cell Output, 2012-2021E
Global Top10 Solar Cell Makers, 2016
Application of ITO in LED
Global LED Lighting Market Size, 2015-2021E
Chinese LED Chip Market Size, 2012-2021E
Concentration Ratio of LED Chip Industry in China, 2014-2016
Structural Diagram of OLED
Global OLED Market Size, 2014-2021E
OLED Industry Chain
Main Businesses and Products of Mitsui Mining & Smelting
Revenue and Net Income of Mitsui Mining & Smelting, FY2012-FY2016
Revenue of Mitsui Mining & Smelting by Business, FY2014-FY2016
ITO Target Growth of Mitsui Mining & Smelting, 2014-2016
Mitsui Mining & Smelting's Sputtering Target Business, 2016
Mitsui Mining & Smelting's Companies in China
Major Products of JX Nippon Mining &Metals
Business Structure of JX Nippon Mining &Metals
Revenue of JX Nippon Mining &Metals, FY2011-FY2016
Ordinary Income of JX Nippon Mining &Metals by Business, FY2012-FY2016
Competitive Edges of JX Nippon Mining &Metals in Electronic Materials
Revenue of JX Nippon Mining &Metals by Region, FY2013-FY2014
Sputtering Target Bases of JX Nippon Mining &Metals
ITO Target Capacity of JX Nippon Mining &Metals, 2016
Operations of JX Nippon Mining &Metals in China
Revenue and Net Income of Tosoh, FY2012-FY2017
Revenue of Tosoh by Business, FY2014-FY2017
Revenue of Tosoh by Region, FY2016-FY2017
Tosoh's Companies in China
Main Financial Indicators of Heraeus, FY2014-FY2016
Revenue of Heraeus by Business, FY2014-FY2016
Revenue of Heraeus by Region, FY2014-FY2016
Global Network of Heraeus
Greater China Business of Heraeus
Main Financial Indicators of Umicore, 2012-2016
Revenue of Umicore by Business, 2011-2016
Revenue of Umicore by Region, 2016
Umicore's Companies in China
Revenue and Net Income of ULVAC, FY2010-FY2016
Major Products of ULVAC's Materials
Net Sales of ULVAC by Business, FY2013-FY2016
Net Sales of ULVAC by Region, FY2011-FY2015
Performance of ULVAC ITO Targets
Major Products and Capacity of ULVAC Materials (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
Key Subsidiaries and Businesses of SOLAR
Revenue and Net Income of SOLAR, 2011-2017
Revenue and Net Income of Zhuzhou Smelter Group, 2011-2017
Operating Revenue and Gross Margin of Zhuzhou Smelter Group by Business, 2015-2016
Main Economic Indicators of Guangxi China Tin Group, 2015-2016
ITO Targets and Technical Parameters Prepared by Guangxi China Tin Group with Different Processes
Technical Parameters of ITO Targets of Guangxi China Tin Group
Performance Indicators of ITO Targets of CNMC (Ningxia) Orient Group
Performance of ITO Targets of Guangxi Crystal Union Photoelectric Materials
Performance of ITO Targets of Beijing Yeke Nano Tech
Performance of ITO Targets of Shaoguan Sigma Technology
Performance of ITO Targets of Changsha ENAM Optoelectronic Material
Performance of ITO Targets of Luoyang Ship Material Research Institute
Market Share of Major ITO Targets Enterprises in China, H1 2017
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