Global and China Needle Coke Industry Report, 2020-2026
May 2020
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With the merits like small resistivity, excellent resistance to impact and good anti-oxidation property, needle coke has been widely used in ultra-high power graphite electrodes, nuclear reactor deceleration materials, and lithium battery anode materials, among others. The galloping new energy vehicle and higher utilization of steel craps serve as the stimuli to electric furnaces, facilitating the demand for needle coke whose production capacity of China soared from 160 kt/a in 2014 to 970 kt/a in 2019 and output surged from 80 kt in 2016 to 445 kt in 2019. In the forthcoming five years, the new energy vehicle industry in China and beyond will be developing rapidly and China’s favorable policy about the recycling of resources helps the faster development of electric furnaces. China’s output of needle coke is expected to stand at1,384 kt in 2026, showing a CAGR of 17.6% between 2019 and 2026.

Needle coke falls into the coal-based type and the oil-based type, of which the former refers to the production with coal-tar pitch & fractions used as the raw materials, and the latter takes petroleum residual oil to produce needle coke. European and American producers focus on the oil-based needle coke, while Asian peers dedicate themselves to the coal-based type, particularly in China where the coal-based needle coke production has ramped up over the recent years with its capacity reporting 610 kt/a and output 250 kt in 2019, outnumbering the oil-based type’s (capacity 360 kt/a and output 195 kt in 2019) for the first time in recent years.
Needle coke is largely produced in the United States, Japan and China. Phillips 66, a spin-off of ConocoPhillips, is the largest manufacturer of oil-based needle coke in the world, boasting capacities up to 370 kt/a, followed by CNPC Jinzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd with the capacity reaching 170 kt/a as its phase-II needle coke project production kicked off in 2019. Japan-based C-Chem is the biggest producer of coal-based needle coke worldwide, possessing the capacity of 110 kt/a. Chinese producers started late, but they have made huge investments in needle coke projects successively over the recent years, and such players has seen a substantial rise in capacities as TSDR New Energy Materials Co., Ltd., Zaozhuang Zhenxing Carbon Material Technology Co., Ltd, Jinzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd., and Kaifeng Pingmei New Carbon Material Technology Co., Ltd.
Highlights of this report:
Needle coke (definition, classification, main models, development history, etc.);
Global demand and supply of needle coke, technologies, competition pattern, etc.;
Chinese needle coke industry (development environment, supply and demand, competitive landscape, import and export, etc.);
Needle coke downstream (graphite electrode) production, demand, market pattern, etc.;
7 foreign and 15 Chinese needle coke manufacturers (operation, revenue structure, needle coke business, etc.)
1. Needle Coke
1.1 Product Introduction
1.2 Classification and Application
1.3 Industry Chain
2. Global Needle Coke Industry
2.1 Overview
2.2 Supply & Demand
2.2.1 Supply
2.2.2 Demand
2.3 Technical Status
2.4 Market Pattern
2.4.1 USA
2.4.2 Japan
2.4.3 UK
3. China Needle Coke Industry
3.1 Development Environment
3.1.1 Policy Environment
3.1.2 Technical Environment
3.1.3 Trade Environment
3.2 Supply & Demand
3.2.1 Supply
3.2.2 Demand
3.3 Market Pattern
3.4 Import
3.5 Price Trend
3.5.1 Chinese Needle Coke Price
3.5.2 Import Price
4. China Graphite Electrode Industry
4.1 Supply & Demand
4.1.1 Overview
4.1.2 Supply
4.1.3 Demand
4.1.4 Import & Export
4.2 Competitive Landscape
4.2.1 Enterprise Competition
4.2.2 Regional Competition
4.3 Price Trend
4.4 Needle Coke Demand
5. China Lithium-ion Battery Anode Materials Market
5.1 Supply & Demand
5.1.1 Supply
5.1.2 Demand
5.2 Competitive Landscape
5.2.1 Enterprise Competition
5.2.2 Regional Competition
5.3 Price Trend
5.4 Needle Coke Demand
6. Major Needle Coke Companies Worldwide
6.1 Phillips 66
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 Needle Coke Business
6.2 C-Chem
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Needle Coke Business
6.3 GrafTech International
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 Needle Coke Business
6.4 Mitsubishi Chemical
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.4.3 Needle Coke Business
6.5 JX Holdings Inc
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Operation
6.5.3 Needle Coke Business
6.6 Petrocokes Japan Limited
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Needle Coke Business
6.7 Posco Chemtech
6.7.1 Profile
6.7.2 Operation
6.7.3 Needle Coke Business
7. Major Needle Coke Companies in China
7.1 Fangda Carbon New Material Technology Co., Ltd.
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Operation
7.1.3 Revenue Structure
7.1.4 Needle Coke Business
7.2 Qitaihe Baotailong Coal&Coal Chemicals Public Co., Ltd.
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Operation
7.2.3 Revenue Structure
7.2.4 Needle Coke Business
7.3 Shandong Yida New Material Co., Ltd.
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Needle Coke Business
7.4 Kaifeng Pingmei New Carbon Material Technology Co., Ltd.
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Operation
7.4.3 Anshan Kaitan Thermal Energy New Materials Co., Ltd.
7.4.4 Henan Kaitan New Materials Co., Ltd.
7.5 Jinzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Needle Coke Business
7.6 Baowu Carbon Material Technology Co., Ltd.
7.6.1 Profile
7.6.2 Needle Coke Business
7.6.3 Wuhai Baohua Wanchen Coal Chemical Co., Ltd.
7.7 Shanxi Hongte Coal Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
7.7.1 Profile
7.7.2 Needle Coke Business
7.8 Shandong Jingyang Technology Co., Ltd.
7.8.1 Profile
7.8.2 Needle Coke Business
7.9 Shanxi Jinzhou Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
7.9.1 Profile
7.9.2 Needle Coke Business
7.10 Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
7.10.1 Profile
7.10.2 Needle Coke Business
7.11 Pingdingshan Xuyang Xingyu New Materials Co., Ltd.
7.11.1 Profile
7.11.2 Needle Coke Business
7.12 Henan Baoshun Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.
7.12.1 Profile
7.12.2 Needle Coke Business
7.13 TSDR New Energy Materials Co., Ltd.
7.13.1 Profile
7.13.2 Needle Coke Business
7.14 Zaozhuang Zhenxing Carbon Material Technology Co., Ltd
7.14.1 Profile
7.14.2 Needle Coke Business
7.15 Anhui MaSteel Chemical Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
7.15.1 Profile
7.15.2 Needle Coke Business
Physical Needle Coke
Needle Coke Industry Chain
Global Needle Coke Capacity, 2010-2019
Global Needle Coke Capacity Structure (by Product), 2010-2019
Global Needle Coke Output, 2011-2019
Needle Coke Production Process by Different Raw Materials
China’s Needle Coke Capacity, 2014-2020E
China’s Needle Coke Output, 2016-2026E
China’s Needle Coke Output by Product, 2017-2026E
China’s Demand for Needle Coke, 2016-2026E
China’s Needle Coke Product Import Volume and Growth, 2010-2019
Imported Needle Coke as a Percentage of China’s Total Needle Coke Demand, 2011-2019
China’s Needle Coke Import Volume (by Product), 2010-2019
Shares for Origins of Oil-based Needle Coke Imports in China, 2019
Shares for Origins of Coal-based Needle Coke Imports in China, 2019
Needle Coke Price in China by Product, 2019-2020
Imported Needle Coke Price in China by Product, 2019-2020
Factors Affecting Supply and Demand of Graphite Electrode
China’s Graphite Electrode Output, 2016-2026E
China’s Graphite Electrode Output (by Product), 2013-2019
Downstream Structure of Graphite Electrode in China
China’s Graphite Electrode Sales Volume Structure (by Product), 2013-2020
Price Trend of Graphite Electrode in China, 2019
Applications of Needle Coke to Graphite Electrode
Output of Lithium-ion Battery Anode Materials in China, 2016-2026E
Output of Lithium-ion Battery Anode Materials (By Product) in China, 2016-2026E
China’s Output of Power Lithium Battery, 2016-2026E
Output and Sales of New Energy Vehicle in China, 2014-2025E
Price Trend of Anode Materials in China, 2017-2019
Demand for Needle Coke Used in Lithium Battery Anode Materials in China, 2016-2026E
Profile of C-Chem
Company History of C-Chem
Needle Coke Industry Chain of C-Chem
Production Layout of C-Chem
Products Portfolio of C-Chem
Revenue and Net Income of JX Holdings, FY2013-FY2019
Posco Chemtech’s Sales, Operating Income and Net Income, 2015-2019
Revenue Structure of Posco Chemtech, 2017-2019
Sales of PMC Tech, 2017-2019
Equity Structure of Fangda Carbon, 2019
Revenue and Net Income of Fangda Carbon, 2011-2019
Operating Revenue of Fangda Carbon (by Product), 2011-2019
Operating Revenue of Fangda Carbon New Material Technology (by Region), 2011-2018
Equity Structure of C-Chem (Jiangsu)
Revenue and Net Income of C-Chem (Jiangsu), 2017-2019
Fangda Carbon’s Payment for Its Procurement of Raw Materials like Needle Coke from Associate Companies, 2018-2019
Equity Structure of Baotailong, 2019
Revenue and Net Income of Baotailong, 2011-2019
Baotailong’s Needle Coke Capacity and Capacity Utilization, 2016-2019
Production Base Distribution of Baochem
Technical Indexes of Coal-based Needle Coke of Baowu Carbon
Technical Indexes of Anode Grade Coke of Baowu Carbon
Milestones of Shandong Jingyang
Major Customers of Shandong Jingyang
Shipment of Global Lithium Battery Anode Materials, 2016-2026E
Global Coal Based Needle Coke Production Process and Its Characteristics
Capacity of Major Global Needle Coke Manufacturers, 2019
Capacity and Production Base of U.S. Needle Coke Manufacturers, 2019
Capacity and Product Type of Major Japanese Needle Coke Manufacturers, 2019
Capacity and Production Base of British Needle Coke Manufacturers, 2019
Needle Coke-related Policies in China, 2016-2019
Process of Needle Coke Technology in China
China’s Tentative Tax Rate for Imported Carbon Goods, 2019
Monthly Needle Coke Output in China, 2019-2020
China’s Demand for Needle Coke (by Application), 2016-2026
Distribution of Needle Coke Capacity in China by Enterprise, 2019
Distribution of New Needle Choke Capacity in China by Enterprise, 2019-2020
Supply Structure of Graphite Electrode in China, 2015-2019
New/Expansion Projects on Graphite Electrode in China, 2020-2021E
Proportion of Electric Furnace Steel in Major Countries, 2019
Policies on Electric Furnace Steel in China, 2016-2019
Electric Furnace Steel Output and Ratio to Crude Steel in China, 2017-2026E
China’s Graphite Electrode Sales Volume, 2016-2025E
China’s Export Volume of Graphite Electrode, 2016-2019
China’s Monthly Export Volume of Graphite Electrode, 2018-2019
China’s Export Volume of Graphite Electrode (by Country), 2019
Top5 Enterprises by Graphite Electrode Sales in China, 2019H1
Top5 Enterprises by Ultra-high-power Graphite Electrode Output in China, 2019H1
Graphite Electrode Capacity in China by Region, 2019
Demand for Needle Coke from Graphite Electrode in China, 2017-2026E
Performance Comparison of Main Anode Materials
Cost Structure of Lithium Battery
Rankings of Major Anode Material Producers in China, 2019
Geographical Distribution of Anode Materials Output in China, 2016-2019
Revenue and Net Income of Phillips66, 2015-2019
Sales and Other Operating Revenues by Business of Phillips66, 2017-2019
Net Income (Loss) by Business of Phillips66, 2017-2019
Sales and Other Operating Revenues by Region of Phillips66, 2017-2019
Prevailing Needle Coke Prices of Phillips66, 2016-2019
Needle Coke Capacity of Phillips66, 2019
Needle Coke Performance Index of C-Chem
Global Network of Production and Sales of GrafTech
Revenue and Net Income of GrafTech, 2016-2019
Revenue Structure of GrafTech by Region, 2017-2019
Industrial Chain of GrafTech
Characteristics of Seadrift SSP? Senior Petroleum Coke and Seadrift SSP? Ordinary Petroleum Coke
Operation of Mitsubishi Chemical, FY2008-FY2018
Needle Coke Production Process of Mitsubishi Chemical
Affiliated Companies and Main Business of JX Holdings
Key Product of JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation
Revenue Structure of JX Holdings (by Division), FY2010-FY2019
Needle Coke Production Bases and Capacity of JX Holdings, 2019
Revenue of Baotailong (by Product), 2018-2019
Operating Revenue of Baotailong (by Region), 2014-2019
Baotailong’s Needle Coke Output, Sales and Inventory, 2018-2019
Baotailong’s Needle Coke Revenue, Operating Cost and Gross Margin, 2018
Key Financial Indices of Kaifeng Pingmei New Carbon Material Technology, 2019
Performance Indices of Needle Coke of Anshan Kaitan Thermal Energy New Materials
Development History of Anshan Kaitan’s Needle Coke
Development History of Baowu Carbon
Needle Coke Performance Index of Shanxi Hongte
Sales Network of Hongte
Needle Coke Technical Index of Shandong Jingyang Technology Co., Ltd.
Sales Network of Shandong Jingyang
Equity Structure of Zhenxing Carbon
Needle Coke (Green Coke) Specifications of Zhenxing Carbon
Needle Coke (Calcined Coke) Specifications of Zhenxing Carbon
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