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 Dong-E E-Jiao To Invest 900M Yuan In FinancingProducts
CreateTime:2011-08-18     Source:CapitalVue Editor:xujintao
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August 16 – Shan Dong Dong–E E-Jiao (000423.SZ) generated 450 million yuan in interim net profits, an increase of 47.34 percent year-on-year, reports ce.cn, citing a company filing.

The firm plans to use 900 million yuan to buy financial products with an expected return of 6.5 percent.

Sales revenues for the first half of 2011 hit 1.28 billion yuan, up 2.92 percent, while earnings per share grew 46.81 percent to 0.69 yuan.

The firm also plans to spend 300 million yuan to form a subsidiary which will be in charge of acquiring and merging healthcare firms.

At present, domestic Chinese medicine material costs have surged as a result of a shortage in raw materials.

Since 2010, Dong–E E-Jiao has raised the price of one product five times, with a 60-percent jump in January alone.

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