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 Still no timetable for Volvo's new Chinese production sites
CreateTime:2011-10-27     Source:gasgoo Editor:qulina
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Gasgoo.com (Shanghai October 26) - Despite appearing in the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, Geely Automobile Chairman Li Shufu have still not decided on a definite location and timetable for the new Volvo production sites, the 21st Century News Group reported today.

"Volvo's [decision to] build a factory in China must gain through government approval, [which is a] complex process with several formalities," Mr. Li (pictured) told reporters at a forum held in Beijing late last week.

The names of the three companies involved with Volvo's new program have come up in the SAIC's announcements, which has been taken as a sign that Geely will be deciding on a schedule for the site very soon. According to Mr. Li, discussions are ensuing concerning engine production, automobile manufacture and R&D. "For Volvo to produce vehicles in China, they must satisfy [the above] three requirements," Mr. Li said.

There was news previously that the program's first production sites would be located in Sichuan's capital of Chengdu and Daqing, Heilongjiang, while Shanghai would be home of the Chinese research and development center. Presently, these sites still seem very valid options for Geely, but there is still no concrete confirmation from the manufacturer as of yet.

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