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 Nissan says to build new $785m China car factory
CreateTime:2012-06-27     Source:gasgoo.com Editor:qulina
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Reuters (Tokyo) - Nissan Motor Co said on Monday its Chinese joint venture will build a 5 billion yuan ($785 million) car factory in Dalian, northeastern China, with an initial output capacity of 150,000 Nissan-branded vehicles a year by 2014.

The venture, Dongfeng Motor Co, would eventually double the capacity to 300,000 cars a year as it aims to sell 2 million vehicles in the world's biggest car market by 2015.

Dongfeng Motor also said it had signed a contract to deliver 1,000 electric vehicles under the joint venture's own brand, Venucia, for a pilot programme conducted by the Dalian municipal government by 2014.


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