Disneyland eyes best attendance

   Date:2008/08/29     Source:

HONG Kong Disneyland is expected to record attendance of 5.6 million people in its third year of operation - its best-ever result, a Hong Kong newspaper reported yesterday.

The park, a joint venture between the Walt Disney Co and the Hong Kong government, has come under fire for its poor performance since opening in September 2005. It had 5.2 million visitors in its first year - 400,000 short of its target of 5.6 million - and about 4 million in its second year. But the South China Morning Post, citing unidentified sources, said Hong Kong Disneyland is expected to record attendance of 5.6 million in its 2007-2008 financial year, which ends next month.

The newspaper reported its sources as saying the park improved its performance because of a better marketing strategy on the Chinese mainland and strong economic growth. The park launched a marketing campaign targeting young Chinese professionals in their 20s and 30s.

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