Aluminum Stockpiles Jump Most in Seven Months on Vlissingen Gain


Jul 28, (Bloomberg)-- Aluminum stockpiles monitored by the London Metal Exchange rose the most in almost seven months on an increase in the Dutch city of Vlissingen.

Inventories climbed 92,425 metric tons, or 2.1 percent, the most since Jan. 10, to 4.46 million tons, exchange data showed today. Stockpiles gained for the first session in seven. Orders to draw aluminum from warehouses, known as canceled warrants, declined 7,575 tons to 386,225 tons.

Vlissingen registered a 100,000-ton delivery. Stockpiles at the location have surged more than sixfold to 403,825 tons this year. Pacorini Metals, acquired last year by commodities trader Glencore International Plc, has warehouses at six local sites, according to the LME website.



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