WBMS: World Lead Market In 14,100-Ton Surplus In Jan-June


LONDON, Aug 17, 2011 (Dow Jones) -- The global lead market was in surplus by 14,100 metric tons in the first six months of 2011, the World Bureau of Metal Statistics said Wednesday.

This compares with a surplus of 57,900 tons during the same period of 2010.

The WBMS said global lead mine production was 2.099 million tons, which was 8.3% above the total recorded for the first six months of 2010.

Total demand was about 11% higher in the first six months of the year, the WBMS said, although it didn't provide a figure.

Chinese apparent consumption was 2.201 million tons in January to June, it said, which was 412,000 tons above the comparable period in 2010.



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