SANY HEAVY INDUSTRY CO., LTD : Sany Changes the Image of Chinese Company

   Date:2011/08/19     Source:

June 17th, Suzhou, in GMC President Forum held by Global Marketing Company, Mr. Philip Kotler, the father of modern marketing, gave a speech on Chinese manufacturers' global strategy. During his speech, Sany was described as "an extraordinary company".

Mr. Philip said: "Several days ago I visited an extraordinary company. Its name is Sany Heavy Industry and it is a heavy machinery company. The factories are clean and tidy and they own advanced technology. After visiting its offices and factories, my opinion regarding Chinese company was changed. I believe the bias against Chinese company will soon be changed if we see more companies like Sany".

Mr. Philip Kotler is known as the father of modern marketing. He is also the doctor of MIT and post-doctor of Harvard University. In June, Mr. Philip visited Sany and gave a lecture on sales and management.

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