The council has published its Plan for Change, which looks at how it can meet the huge financial and operational challenges it faces in the coming years, and is now asking residents to get involved in shaping future plans.
At these events residents will be asked to look at look at a list of ten priorities and, using tokens, rank these priorities in order: support vulnerable people, keep Bury clean and green, promoting healthier lives, a strong local economy, managing roads and the transport network, encourage vibrant and strong communities, leisure and cultural opportunities, decent place to live, maintain opportunities for high quality education and training, and better informed and engaged communities.
One of these consultations will be held on 26 August 2011 at Ramsbottom Children's Centre from 10.00am to 11.30am.
Further events are being arranged, including at September's meetings of the new Township Forums.
Councillor Mike Connolly, leader of Bury Council, said: "I urge residents to come along to one of these events and play their part in helping the council set its priorities for the future."
The council is also hosting staff roadshows where Cllr Connolly and chief executive Mike Kelly explain the Plan for Change and listen to views and suggestions.