China petrochemical profits near 300 bln yuan

China's petrochemical industry racked up profits of close on 300 billion yuan (37.5 billion U.S. dollars) from January to August, according to the China's State Development and Reform Commission (SDRC).

Statistics from the SDRC's Bureau of Economic Operations show that the industry's profit of 296.9 billion yuan is up 22.5 percent year on year.

In the first eight months, China produced 122.93 million tons of crude oil, 1.8 percent up on the same period of last year.

The international crude oil price continued to climb in August, with Brent North Sea crude priced at 74.6 U.S. dollar per barrel on average, up 1.3 percent on July and 19.4 percent year on year.

China imported 95.8 million tons of crude oil from January to August, an increase of 15.3 percent, and processed 199.15 million tons, up 5.7 percent.


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