Dong-E E-Jiao May RaisePrices


October 17 – Shan Dong Dong-E E-Jiao (000423.SZ) reported it is considering raising prices again due to a shortage of donkey skin, a major input in its medicinal products, reports China Business News. Company president Tai Yufeng said Dong-E E-Jiao will raise prices provisionally until the shortage is solved.

Animal-based raw materials for pharmaceuticals have recently grown scarce, and several could be banned altogether in the future, says industry watcher Jia Haibing of Chinese farmers have not devoted as many resources to breeding donkeys as the animals’ use as a transportation means has declined. The resulting shortage has lifted the price of donkey skin to 15 yuan per kilogram, a record high.

Despite the Liaocheng city-based firm’s investment in commercial donkey breeding, it incurred a loss of two million last year.


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