Career receives shifted orders due to flooding in Thailand


Taiwan-based flexible PCB maker Career Technology indicated that its factories in Taiwan and Kunshan, Eastern China, have received orders shifted from clients of Japan-based fellow maker Fujikura because Fujikura's factory in Thailand has suspended production due to damage caused by large flooding there.

Prices for shifted orders are comparatively high, for these clients only hope to secure supply of FPCBs, Career Technology pointed out.

Career Technology thinks that potential growth in demand for FPCBs used in tablet PCs is larger than that for use in smartphones because 8-10 FPCBs are used in a tablet PC and only five are used in a smartphone, the company indicated. Career Technology's Kunshan factory has obtained orders for FPCBs used in tablet PCs from the US, with shipments scheduled until February 2012, the company said.


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