Orders from Nokia, Motorola to Taiwan ODMs have highest growth potential in 2012


For Taiwan-based handset ODMs including Compal Communications, Arima Communications and Foxconn International Holdings (FIH), orders from Nokia and Motorola Mobility in 2012 will have the highest growth potential among handset vendors, according to industry sources.

Motorola is expected to top all handset vendors as the largest source of handset orders for Taiwan ODMs in 2011 with its orders exceeding 10 million units. Sony Ericsson and LG Electronics (LGE) will follow with each placing orders for several million units, while orders from Nokia will reach about 1.5 million units, the sources estimated.

With Nokia exerting its all-out efforts to promote its Windows Phone models in 2012, the vendor is expected to strengthen its cooperation with Compal Communications and FIH, said the sources, adding that Nokia's orders to ODMs may reach 15-20 million units in 2012 if its combined marketing efforts with Microsoft work out effectively.

Although Motorola is expected to modify its product lines following its integration with Google, the vendor is likely to expand its cooperation with Taiwan ODMs from feature phones to smartphone models with its order volume likely to double in 2012, the sources projected.


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