Taiwan server shipments to return stable after election in 1Q12


Although server shipments in Taiwan in the first two quarters of 2011 saw over 10% on-year growth compared to the same period in 2010 and the volume in the third quarter is also expected to have performed strongly, the volume in the fourth quarter may not see as strong performance as in the previous quarters due to the weak global economy, and partly because orders from the procurement market in Taiwan have been stalled, according to sources from related players, citing figures from IDC.

Taiwan will hold its presidential election in the first quarter of 2012, and so most server players' procurement orders have been stalled and the situation is only expected to be resolved after the election.

In the first two quarters of 2011, server shipments to industries such as finance, telecoms and media, as well as government units such as the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of the Interior helped server shipments in Taiwan achieve more than 10% sequential growth each quarter.


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